Sat 6/11/21

I thought I would give this “journaling” thing a go.  I doubt I will remember to do it every day but I hope I can.

This morning I had to get up early for some reason my dog didn’t want to sleep in..I fed her took her toilet then got back into bed.  It’s funny all week I long for my 2 days off I always tell myself I’m going to sleep in.  It never happens.  My dog either wakes me up or I have to get up because of the kids.

Yes kids.  I am married and she has 3 kids.  They do stay pretty quite but she gets mad if I sleep for to long.  And to be honest I really just want to rest and sleep all day.  I have horrible sleeps during the week as she snores and won’t do anything about it.

Anyway back onto my day.  I eventually got up had a tea and we had couples therapy.  Yep married less then a year and we are already doing that.  Nothing ever really seems to come from it so I don’t know what is going to happen.

We r doing it as she has decided (it all started in March 2020) she doesn’t like certain things about me.  Doesn’t like my tone with how I talk cos it’s all the same pitch I guess.  Doesn’t like that I’m not that active with her kids. And I guess I’m not as relaxed and laid back as her so some issues there with how I’d like things to be.

The rest of my day just sat at home, did some washing drunk to much tea as I seem to do.  Watched some Seinfeld and bathed my dog.  Got into a argument I guess it was with her as she had a sore head, asked for me to get some painkillers which I said ok but I also said maybe it’s because ur laying down on ur phone.  Well she didn’t like that so got mad at me, then also said I’m going to ask the therapist what I can do to stop from wanting to leave u.  Y anyone would say that I don’t know but that is the kinda of thing I’m faced with everyday.  I left her and went and did my own thing.

Soon it was dinner time, she made me gnocchi and chicken I liked it but she didn’t think it looked very good.  Got in bed watched some more Seinfeld.  She was falling asleep but her son was still awake watching a movie (it was almost 11pm - he’s 9). I said he should be going to bed y should u stay awake just to make him happy he should be asleep already.  She got mad then went and slept in the room with her son.  So I slept alone last night.


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