
Tuesday 9/11/21

 Started at 7am today, got to work and worked some stock then sorted out customer orders as our store is opening again tomorrow after I think 84 days of lockdown. Work wasn’t to bad, kind of hoping once we do open tho the customer orders will slow down and I can get back to just doing my job.  After work I had to go to my nanny’s to help set up internet banking.  She gave me some biscuits that her neighbour’s give when they come over. I got a little annoyed today, I’m trying to transition but having some issues with the GP.  Before lockdown the place they referred me to said we will allow u to prescribe t. But she kinda fluffed around for a week or so and even tho it wasn’t her fault we then went into lockdown she wouldn’t see me this whole time.  It almost makes me wish I went with the place I was referred to but because that wait was 8-10 weeks I said ok I’ll wait (not thinking it would be this long).  Then someone else I know got referred to a week or le...

Sun 7/11/21

 Today I didn’t really get to sleep in as again my dog wanted to eat early and go toilet.  But I did get back into bed and slept for a little bit more. My wife went to work today so one of the kids was at home with me. I went out and cut down some branches off a few trees then came and did some more washing.  He just drew and played on the iPad for most of the day. Around 6pm she came home with the other 2 kids.  She isn’t feeling well so has gone to sleep, the kids r in their room just watching tv while I sit in the lounge with the dog watching tv.  I heat up a spring roll soon for dinner then will shower and most likely go to bed.

Sat 6/11/21

I thought I would give this “journaling” thing a go.  I doubt I will remember to do it every day but I hope I can. This morning I had to get up early for some reason my dog didn’t want to sleep in..I fed her took her toilet then got back into bed.  It’s funny all week I long for my 2 days off I always tell myself I’m going to sleep in.  It never happens.  My dog either wakes me up or I have to get up because of the kids. Yes kids.  I am married and she has 3 kids.  They do stay pretty quite but she gets mad if I sleep for to long.  And to be honest I really just want to rest and sleep all day.  I have horrible sleeps during the week as she snores and won’t do anything about it. Anyway back onto my day.  I eventually got up had a tea and we had couples therapy.  Yep married less then a year and we are already doing that.  Nothing ever really seems to come from it so I don’t know what is going to happen. We r doing it as she has decid...